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Review Wednesday: The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

This week: The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

Warnings: this review will be a little spoilery, but nothing that will ruin the read for you.
Rating: 4/5

I saw this in the library and I did a little jump of joy because Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why is one of my absolute favorites and I often see Carolyn Mackler’s novels checked out, though I haven’t gotten to them myself. Hm, let’s see, put two fantastic authors together and have them write a future-driven novel set in the 1990s with a bit of teenage angst and romance thrown in and see how it goes.

I’m going to start with the concept. I have been waiting for a novel like this because of the new technological age and at this point there are very few who touch on it so specifically. There have always been time travel and loop novels. Doomsday Book to name a classic. But usually those focus on the future looking into the past. Here, it shows two teens from the past who discover their futures on Facebook, but as they discover and change things in their daily lives their futures change before their eyes.

I loved some of the statements made in this book on love and the future, however for most of the book I found it predictable. From the first 5 chapters you pretty much know the ending as far as character relations and the concept ending is easy to guess. With that being said, I was up into the wee hours of the morning turning page after page.

After the first few chapters I didn’t have a problem following the point of view shifts (they switch each chapter between the guy and girl) and I really enjoyed the friendship that was shared, broken, and fixed over time–While be it in a twisted and slightly morally wrong ways.

it was love because it was worth it.

I love this quote, it reminds me a bit of John Green’s

Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.

And I love both.

Towards the end this book drug out for me but I kept turning the pages. I can’t figure out why. And of course a feel-good ending to wrap it up.

Would I recommend this? To the right person who was in the right mood? Yes. Other than that, I think I’ll move on.

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